Learn Spanish Marin!!!
Our goal is simple: To create learning success stories, one student at a time.
The Language and Cultural Center has been helping students fulfill their potential in the Spanish language. We do this through a fun way of instruction, working hand-in-hand with students for the most efficient learning. Our students love the Spanish classes as they are full of fun activities. This is also done by teaching the vocabulary and grammar using songs and games for children. They learn while playing. We not only have native speakers but they are professionals with more than 10 years experience teaching Spanish. They have experience teaching in Preschools, Elementary, Middle and High Schools in the Bay Area and abroad.

We work in Marin with school districts and strong partnerships and relationships.
All our partners in Marin make all our classes happen.
These are some of our partners:

San Rafael Community Center
618 B Street
San Rafael, CA
Strawberry Recreational District
118 E Strawberry Drive
Mill Valley, CA

San Anselmo Recreational Center
1000 Sir Francis Drake Blvd
San Anselmo, CA

Find us on Facebook too
Your Language and Cultural Center, Inc.
511 Fourth Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
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